Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Child served alcohol in Michigan brings up a funny memory

Over the weekend a child in Michigan was served alcohol at an Applebee's. Read the story here. This story is very surprising to me. I don't know the way Applebee's operates but at Red Lobster there is no way this could accidentally happen. It sounds like at the Applebee's they had a different way of operating. The containers are very clear as to what is in them. Different liquids have different colors (that clearly stick out from one another). Most of the juices that we have on hand are in the container they come in. So cranberry juice for example is in a typical cranberry juice container you would see at a store.

I have seen this story on various news sites which makes me believe that this doesn't happen very often. I am surprised that simple mistakes like this aren't more common. I'm sure the fact that Applebee's is a corporate restaurant that is popular around the country is one of the reasons it is making national news. It would be interesting to know what kind of consequences resulted from this happening. If a table told me I sold their child alcohol I think I would laugh at them. This just seems pretty ridiculous.

My sophomore year of high school my family went to Seattle for my cousin's wedding. Oddly enough this sort of thing happened to me. I ordered a root beer and the server accidentally brought me out a beer. My parents politely alerted the server the mistake he had made and he got me a root beer. This mistake is a little more understandable. Most restaurants only carry root beer in the bottle, which tend to look very similar. If I can remember correctly this restaurant in Seattle took pride in brewing its own root beer. They must have made the mistake of creating a very similar bottle to their beer. This was obviously a mistake by the server that is understandable. He doesn't have control over what the bottles look like. As more details emerge from this incident in Michigan it will be interesting to see who was at fault.

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