Sunday, April 3, 2011


One of the most consistent reasons for people coming out to eat is for a birthday. This can be a good time for a family to get together and celebrate that birthday. As a server, I usually like it when people at my tables are celebrating things. Usually that means the guests will be in a good mood, and they're ready to splurge or spend money. I can usually get them to buy drinks/appetizers/desserts. One thing that is always kind of a sore subject to me is when guests ask me to sing to them. First of all I'm not going to be singing to the table by myself. I have to find a way to gather servers that are very busy to take time to sing to the table. Also I don't know how others in the restaurant will respond to me singing to them. Some people do complain to management that we were singing to a table. They're argument is that they came to Red Lobster, is they wanted to hear people getting sang to they would've went to Chucky Cheese. When I find out one of my guests have a birthday I just wish them a happy birthday and move on with my job. The only time I sing to someone is when they request that I sing to the table. I would be curious as to what the majority out there think about singing happy birthday, like or dislike? Check out this opinion I found online: here

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